The Fashion World Is Copying The Skate Scene By Using Old Digi Cams

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I first really saw the use of old hand held digi cams come out of the skate scene. This trend has been going on in the skate scene for a while now and a good example of it is the Palace video ‘Bronze’.



I was just interneting yesterday and I saw this video that Vogue released featuring Dakota Johnson and it totally reminded me of the feeling and emotion all the skate vids have. 



I have a skateboard photographer friend based out of Portland named Stephen Sturges and he always says the fashion scene copies the skate scene and I think in this case he’s totally right. A guy is shooting the Vogue vid and I think that his inspo really probably came from the skate scene. Lately those two scene have been intertwining


What do you think? You think the use of digi cams comes to the fashion world from the skate world? Let me know below.